Here's how Twitterati dissected the Modi-Arnab interview

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent interview with Times Now’s Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami not only had the viewers divided, but Twitterati too.

As soon as the interview was aired on Times Now, Tweeples - both for and against the show, unleashed a tsunami of attacks and counter attacks and visible in this quagmire were politicians, citizens, veterans and hordes of trolls who went nothing short of berserk.

In fact, for few hours, Twitter became both a platform of entertainment and an arena of unbridled criticism, with people choosing either side to tweet and keep the conversations going.


Sensing a political opportunity, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal was quick to tweet:

And some Tweets had an unadulterated comic twist, sample these:

While the war of tweets was at its peak, noted lawyer Prashanth Bhushan came up with this one:
It wasn’t just the criticism and the sarcasm that kept coming, there were ardent supporters of both Modi and Goswami who expressed their viewpoints too:

Goswami, who is known to be vocal about issues concerning national interest, came under attack for his soft stance with Modi, with some Tweeples posting:

While many termed the interview as ‘fixed’, ‘scripted’ etc, the fact it dominated the prime time for that day across news channels is undisputed. The show not only dominated the TV viewership but also witnessed maximum traction across social media channels and not just on Twitter.


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