Man Braves Flames to Save Car From Burning Transporter

Most people tend to run when they see fire, but that wasn’t the first instinct of one man driving a transporter full of vehicles in China. When his transporter suddenly caught fire, he decided to save one of the vehicles before the flames could engulf it.

off the blazing rig. Despite the plumes of smoke and looming risk of injury and death, he appears calm and doesn’t rush the maneuver. Once he reaches a safe distance from the flames, he hops out of the car and then walks back over to the blazing transporter to get another look at it. According to the caption posted with the video on YouTube, the driver’s left arm appears to be covered in soot. It’s unclear what caused the fire.

We appreciate a good midsize sedan just as much as the next person, but it’s certainly not worth risking your life over.

Watch the video below to see how it all happened.

Source: WorldWide TV via YouTube, Daily Mail


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