Jealous Neighbour Makes A Bomb-Hoax Call, To Stop This Boy's From Studying Down Under Because Her Daughter Didn't Get To

A Jaipur-based woman made a call to the airport authorities reporting that her neighbour's son, who was travelling to Australia for higher studies was carrying explosives, creating panic among the security agencies on Friday morning.

The student in his statement said that the woman was allegedly angered by the rejection of her daughter's application at the same university and therefore planned the act.

The incident was reported around 9am, when the Mumbai office of an airline received a call from a woman, who said that the passenger, Balraj Singh, flying to Sydney, by flight number AI 302, was carrying explosives.

The message was passed to the authorities concerned at the Delhi airport who then roped in the police.
Woman Calls Bomb To Stop Boy Flying To Australia
BCCL/Represenatational image
A Bomb Threat Assessment Committee meeting was held and the force was rushed into action, officials revealed.
"The schedule of the identified flight was checked. Investigations revealed that the flight was not scheduled for Friday. List of fliers of another flight, AI 308, scheduled for Melbourne, was checked with the details provided by the woman and Singh was identified. He was intercepted outside the departure hall," said Dinesh Gupta, DCP IGI.
Woman Calls Bomb To Stop Boy Flying To Australia
BCCL/Represenatational image
The baggage check revealed that Singh was travelling on student's visa and was carrying nothing suspicious and declared him clean and concluded that the call was a hoax.
"When the parents of the man, who were at the airport, were shown the number from which the call was made, they identified the number as their neighbour's, " the officer said.
Police have now approached the woman who made the call and have called her for questioning. A case was registered under various sections of IPC, police said.


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