One the most wanted actresses in Bollywood is none other than the striking Deepika Padukone. Her good looking personality and attracting dimple smile makes us go cracked about her flawless beauty. She touched hearts of audience with her marvelous performance in Ram-Leela, Piku, Bajirao Mastani and also in many other movies.
During her teen age, Deepika was a national level badminton player, yet surrendered her carrer in games to end up a fashion model. Today, her astonishing acting ability and badminton skills is all we think about the performing artist. Ever thought about how great or awful these prevalent appearances looked, before they ventured into the glitz world?
A childhood class photograph of Deepika’s has gone viral around the internet. You are certainly going to spot her beautiful face among her classmates. Checkout.
Were you able to find cute little Deepika in her class photograph? No? Okay, here you go!
She looks as adorable as one can be in her childhood pictures! Don’t you agree?
Source:Bollywood Crazy
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